Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Masons of Surrey

Provincial Grand Officers Mess

The only thing better than dinner is dinner with friends.

Surrey Mark Masons

Provincial Grand Lodge of Surrey
Grand Officers Mess

Welcome to the Provincial Grand Officers Mess which is administered by the Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Surrey.

Membership is open to all Surrey Mark Provincial Grand Officers, active and past, who are also current subscribing members of a Mark Master Masons Lodge within the Province of Surrey.

The principal purpose of the Mess is to foster close friendly relations between Provincial Grand officers at all levels through informal social meetings and thus encouraging closer ties between them and the Lodges within the Province.

The Mess is supported by the Province at the highest level, our President and Chairman being the Provincial Grand Master and the Deputy Provincial Grand Master respectively!

So why should I join?

Well, remember that becoming a Provincial Grand Officer is not an honour given out lightly nor is it given to all, so it is important to ensure you make the most of the opportunity by getting involved with as many of the Provincial activities open to you as possible.

The Provincial Grand Officers Mess provides a great environment for both integrating into the Provincial structure and learning more about it.

OK, so what about the meetings?

The intent of the meetings is to be informal. That means we do not wear regalia and the dress is smart casual.

As everyone has a different interpretation of that phrase, designer jeans to white tie, then in true Masonic tradition, for the Mess this equates to the Jacket of choice, an appropriate shirt, and the distinctive Mess Tie provided as part of the joining package.

Colour coordination is not required with many of our members showing great imagination in their interpretation!

We have two meetings a year the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and an Open Social Evening although we are not limited to this.

The AGM is a short business meeting mainly to elect the Mess Officers for the ensuing year and approve the minutes of the previous AGM. This is followed by an informal dinner with a guest speaker.

It is usually held at the Surbiton Masonic Centre on the third Friday in May.

Provincial Grand Officers Mess

The Annual Open Evening is a social dinner open to mess members, their partners and guests.

Guests are not required to be active masons as there is no Masonic content to the event.

The underlying intention is to introduce nonmasons to the organisation and existing masons to the Mark degree.

It takes the form of a dinner at a Masonic centre somewhere in the Province along with some form of entertainment.

There is also the ubiquitous raffle which raises money for Masonic Charities. This event is usually planned for the autumn months and has no fixed venue as we like to spread the benefit among the Surrey Masonic centres.

I’m sold, so how do I join?

That’s great! You just need to complete a membership application form (add link to letter and membership form) or contact the mess secretary at who will supply you with one.

Once completed return the application along with the required remittance and you are on your way.

And it costs how much?

Well, as they say, there are no free lunches in this world but all this can be yours for the princely sum of £5.00 per annum (yes that’s right, no zeros or ones missing) plus a one-off payment of £10.00 for the Mess Tie.

Although you can pay this by cheque or electronic transfer, the most convenient method is to set up a standing order full details of which will be supplied with the application form.

So that’s it, get in your application and I look forward to welcoming you to this remarkable friendly, informative and entertaining organisation within the Surrey Mark Master Masons fraternity.

Tony Connor, Mess Secretary
Telephone: 07786 993332

Surrey Mark Masons

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