Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Masons of Surrey

Provincial Grand Master’s Message

R.W. Bro. John V. C. French

R.W. Bro. John V. C. French

Surrey Mark Masons

In welcoming you to the website for Mark and Royal Ark Mariner Freemasonry in Surrey.

I hope that this website will be both informative and of interest not only to Freemasons but also to those merely intrigued.

Within its pages, you will find a wealth of information specific to the Mark degree, its history and development throughout Surrey, and also links to Freemasonry in general.

The Degree of Mark Master Mason in Surrey is open to all Master Masons and Royal Arch Companions.

The ceremony, in which a Brother is advanced, can be said to compromise of two degrees; the first in which he is acknowledged as a Mark Man, followed by the second where he becomes a Mark Master Mason.

The Mark referred to in its title takes its name from the mark symbol with which the stonemason identified his work and can still be found in many cathedrals and important buildings.

Much use is made of the Holy Writ to instruct the Candidate and Brethren in the story which serves to teach that the real message is one of contemplation of human strengths and weaknesses.

There is reputedly some evidence that the degree is 400 years old but the earliest English records stem from 1769 when it was first worked in Chapter of Friendship, Royal Arch Chapter No 257 (formerly No.3) in Portsmouth.

However, a minute book dated 1599 of Lodge of Edinburgh states that several speculative brethren had appended their marks after their names.

The Mark degree has been practiced very successfully in Surrey for over 150 years.

We currently have over 40 Mark Lodges meeting at centres across the Province, presided over by the Provincial Grand Master, R.W. Bro. John French.

I am assisted by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, W. Bro. William Barr and two Assistant Provincial Grand Masters, W. Bro. Tim Ford and W. Bro. William Caughie.

It is a very vibrant Province bringing friendship, knowledge and pleasure to all its members.

I hope that your exploration of this site will prove equally enjoyable and that it will stimulate you to seek further insight into Freemasonry and the Mark Degree in particular.

If you are a Freemason and you are interested in joining our ‘friendly degree’ please contact us by completing the form at the foot of any page on the website.

R.W. Bro. John V. C. French

Provincial Grand Master

Surrey Mark Masons

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