Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Masons of Surrey

Meet some Mark Masons in Surrey

David Lawrence

David Lawrence

David Lawrence

Why did you join the Mark Degree

‘It was stated that this was a further explanation of the Second Degree and I saw ths as a way of expanding my knowledge in this area.

Has joining the Mark Degree made a difference to your Masonic experience?

It has expanded my Masonic network and been a fun and enjoyable degree to be involved in.

What do you think is the point of the Mark Degree?

We Masons are derived from stonemasons and this degree gives a blue-collar perspective on the preparation of the materials used, bringing fun and humour into ceremonies.

What did learn when you joined the Royal Ark Mariners?

More about the creation and cleansing of our world around the time of Noah, relating to important moral virtues.

Why is being a Royal Ark Mariner important to you?

It is a very sociable Degree reminding you of basic life lessons.

Surrey Mark Masons

ready to find out more about joining Mark Masonry?

Interested in the 'Friendly' Degree? Get in touch.

Join Mark Masonry in Surrey to embrace a rich fraternal tradition.

Experience a profound journey of self-improvement, symbolism, and camaraderie.

Explore ancient rituals and values while forging lifelong connections with fellow Masons.

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